1. Click AutoDev on the left toolbar to open AutoDev.

Chat Providers

Chat providers can reduce chat mode descriptions.

We support the following providers:

For example, use openai:

  "autodev.openai.apiKey": "sk-xxxxx", // Your openai api key
  "autodev.chat.models": [
      "provider": "openai", // chat provider
      "title": "GPT-3.5 turbo", // Text displayed in selector
      "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo" // Used chat model

see AutoDev: Chat Models for more information。

Using Custom Service

Currently only supports OpenAI Provider and custom support.

Your service needs to be compatible with OpenAI /v1/chat/completions request.

  "autodev.chat.models": [
      "provider": "openai", // chat provider
      "title": "LLama 3",
      "apiKey": "ollama", // Prevent SDK errors.
      "baseURL": "", // service url
      "model": "llama3" // Used chat model