

Enable Rename Suggestion

Enable rename suggestion

Custom Prompt Dir

Custom prompt directory



Enable or disable ai chats


Choose a default chat model provider to give code interpretation, documentation generation.


Model for overwrite provider in the provider chat model

Chat Models

Shows in chat panel model selection list.


  • title Display selected text
    • type string
  • provider Use that LLM Provider.
    • type "anthropic" | "openai" | "qianfan" | "tongyi" | "zhipuai"
  • baseURL LLM API baseURL, Default use provider config.
    • type string | undefined
  • apiKey LLM API key, Default use provider config.
    • type string | undefined
  • secretKey Only Baidu QianFan provider
    • type string | undefined
  • model Model name
    • type string
  • multimodel Is it multi-model
    • type boolean
  • temperature Amount of randomness injected into the response. Ranges from 0 to 1.
    • type number | undefined
  • maxTokens A maximum number of tokens to generate before stopping.
    • type number | undefined
  • stop A list of strings to use as stop words.
    • type string[] | undefined
  • clientOptions Optional parameters
    • type object | undefined


		"title": "GPT-4",
		"provider": "openai",
		"model": "gpt-4",
		"title": "GPT-3.5 turbo",
		"provider": "openai",
		"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
		"temperature": 0.75,
		"title": "QWen turbo",
		"provider": "tongyi",
		"model": "qwen-turbo",
		"title": "ERNIE-Bot turbo",
		"provider": "qianfan",
		"model": "ERNIE-Bot-turbo",
		"title": "CodeGeeX 4",
		"provider": "zhipuai",
		"model": "codegeex-4",

If there is no configuration of apikey, default get from basic config.

Code Completions


Enable or disable inline completions.

Then, when the editor is triggered (e.g., a carriage return or a line feed or a content change, etc.), it automatically completes your code.


Choose a default model provider to give code generation.


Model for overwrite provider in the provider completion model

FIM Special Tokens

Fill-in-the-middle (FIM) is a special prompt format supported by the code completion model can complete code between two already written code blocks.

See Code Completions.

	"autodev.completions.fimSpecialTokens": {
		"prefix": "<PRE>",
		"suffix": "<SUF>",
		"middle": "<MID>"


Some model parameters.

Please don’t modify it unless you know what you’re doing.

	"autodev.completions.parameters": {
		"temperature": 0,
		"top_p": 0.9,
		"max_tokens": 500


Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The returned text will not contain the stop sequence.

Request Delay

Code auto-completion delay request time. Avoid excessive consumption of API tokens. requestDelay only works if Autodev: Enable Code Completions is enabled.

Enable Legacy Mode

Use legacy /v1/completion instead of /v1/chat/completion. Only working openai provider.

Will be deprecated when infill is universally supported or openai stop “/v1/completions” support.


Customize your modeling cue template.

Place use FIM Special Tokens instead.

Available Variables:

  • prefix Code before the cursor.
  • suffix Code after the cursor.
  • language Current editing file language, for example: “javascript”.

The recommended format is FIM ( filling in the middle ), for example:


# or


Variables use string replacement, please fill in strictly according to instructions.



Choose a default embedding model provider to give codebase.


Model for overwrite provider in the provider embedding model.


Maximum number of batch documents.

Model Providers

This is the default configuration and can be overridden in different functional areas.


See Developer doc

  • Base URL Anthropic API URL, See API Reference
  • API Key Anthropic API key.
  • Model Chat model used



  • API Type OpenAI Official or Microsoft azure servers.
  • Base URL OpenAI API URL.
  • API Key Our legacy keys. Provides access to all organizations and all projects that user has been added to; access API Keys to view your available keys. We highly advise transitioning to project keys for best security practices, although access via this method is currently still supported.
  • Model Chat model used, See Model endpoint compatibility
  • Project Provides access to a single project (preferred option); Access Project API Keys by selecting the specific project you wish to generate keys against.
  • Organization For users who belong to multiple organizations or are accessing their projects through their legacy user API key, you can pass a header to specify which organization and project is used for an API request. Usage from these API requests will count as usage for the specified organization and project.

Baidu Cloud WenXin

Baidu Cloud API Key Or Secret Key, See Create an application.

  • API Key Baidu Cloud API Key
  • Secret Key Baidu Cloud Secret Key
  • Model Chat model used

Ali Cloud TongYi

See 开通 DashScope 并创建 API-KEY.

  • API Key Baidu Cloud API Key
  • Model Chat model used
  • EnableSearch 启用互联网搜索,模型会将搜索结果作为文本生成过程中的参考信息,但模型会基于其内部逻辑判断是否使用互联网搜索结果。默认:关闭。


See ollama


See 智谱 AI 开放平台.

  • API Key ZhipuAI API Key
  • Model Chat model used
  • EnableSearch 启用互联网搜索,模型会将搜索结果作为文本生成过程中的参考信息,但模型会基于其内部逻辑判断是否使用互联网搜索结果。默认:关闭。


local model runtime. For codebase and embedding only.