Study VSCode extension development

Quick Start Guide to Contributing

  1. Fork

Click this URL https://github.com/unit-mesh/auto-dev-vscode, Click the Fork button to create your own copy of this repository

  1. Clone

Use this command in the terminal tool to clone this project to your local machine: git clone git@github.com:<Your GitHub personal account>/auto-dev-vscode.git, Replace “<Your GitHub personal account>” with your GitHub account, such as “git clone git@github.com:unit-mesh/auto-dev-vscode.git”

  1. Sync Fork

Only execute this command once: cd auto-dev-vscode && git remote add upstream git@github.com:unit-mesh/auto-dev-vscode.git

Scenarios Where You Might Need to git checkout master && git pull upstream master First

This ensures that your local repository stays up-to-date with the upstream repository, fetching and merging the latest changes each time.

  • After a Long Period of Inactivity: After a long period of inactivity, execute git checkout master && git pull upstream master before continuing to ensure you have the latest changes.
  • Before Creating a New Branch: Before creating a new branch, it’s a good practice to git checkout master && git pull upstream master && git checkout -b feat-xxxx to ensure the new branch is based on the latest state of the upstream repository.
  • Before Merging Changes: Before merging other branches into the current branch, it’s recommended to git checkout master && git pull upstream master && git merge feat-xxxx to ensure the local branch is up-to-date.
  • Before Pushing Changes: Before pushing your local changes to the remote repository, it’s recommended to git checkout master && git pull upstream master && git push to avoid conflicts or outdated changes.
  1. Branch

Create a new branch for your changes, such as: git checkout master && git pull upstream master && git checkout -b feat-xxxx master

  1. Merge

Merge your branch into the master branch, such as: git checkout master && git merge feat-xxxx

  1. Push

git checkout master && git pull upstream master && git push

  1. Pull Request(pr)

Coding or edit documentation of this project, then commit your changes, and finally submit a pull request on GitHub


Uninstall AutoDev extension

If you have previously installed the AutoDev extension in Visual Studio Code, please uninstall it first, then restart Visual Studio Code. previously installed extension’s configurations can still be automatically applied to cloned projects.

Quick Start Guide to Development

  1. Clone: git clone https://github.com/unit-mesh/auto-dev-vscode.git

  2. Install Dependencies for project: cd auto-dev-vscode && npm install

  3. Install dependencies for gui-sidebar: cd gui-sidebar && npm install && build

  4. open auto-dev-vscode folder in VSCode

  5. Press F5 to launch the extension and begin debugging.

Node.js development environment

Before you start developing or debugging, make sure to initialize submodules

Install nvm :

Install nvm to manage different versions of Node.js.

# macOS 

# nvm officially does not recommend installing via brew; a personal VPN is needed for a successful installation in mainland China; 
# Run the following command directly in the terminal:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash

# Set the node mirror.People in China can use
# Set the mirror source for installing Node.js:
nvm node_mirror https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/node/ 

# Set the mirror source for the npm that comes with the nvm installation:
nvm npm_mirror https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/npm/
# Windows

# Install nvm, the Node.js version manager, which is used to manage different versions of Node.js (nvm officially does not recommend installing via brew; a personal VPN is required for a successful installation in mainland China).
# nvm was originally designed for Unix-like systems, but there is a ported version for Windows called nvm-windows. Here are the installation steps: 

# Download nvm-windows (if the speed is slow, you may need to use a personal VPN):
# Open URL: https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm/releases, select the version you wish to download, and in the Assets section, click on "nvm-setup.exe".

# Install nvm-windows:
# Run the downloaded nvm-setup.exe installer.
# During the installation process, the program will prompt you to select the installation path for nvm as well as the storage path for Node.js.
# By default, nvm will be installed in C:\Users<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\nvm, and Node.js will be installed in C:\Program Files\nodejs.

# Configure Environment Variables: The installer will automatically configure the environment variables for you, but if you encounter issues, you may need to set them manually:
# Right-click on “This PC” -> “Properties” -> “Advanced system settings” -> “Environment Variables”.
# In the “System variables” section, find the “Path” variable and click “Edit”.
# Ensure that the installation path for nvm and the path for Node.js are included; if not, create two new entries, one for the nvm installation path and one for the Node.js path.
# Verify Installation: Open Command Prompt or PowerShell and enter the following command to verify that nvm has been installed successfully:
nvm --version

Common nvm commands.

nvm install node         # Install the latest version of Node.js.
nvm install <version>    # Install the specified version of Node.js, nvm install 20.11.0 or nvm install v20.11.0.
nvm use <version>        # Switch to the specified version of Node.js.
nvm ls                   # List the installed versions of Node.js.
nvm current              # Display the current version of Node.js being used.

Tips: After switching Node.js versions with nvm use <version>, please delete the node_modules folder first, and then run npm install to install dependencies.

Install Node.js :

Note: Right now, with npm install, these Node.js versions show:

  • v20.11.0 is okay.
  • v14.15.4 and v22.7.0 have errors.
# Install a specific version of Node.js.
# Note: Errors were encountered with other versions; install this recommended version first.
nvm install v20.11.0

# Navigate to the root directory of your project, then use this command to switch the Node.js version:
nvm use v20.11.0

# For users in China, please set the Chinese mirror source to solve the problem of slow downloads within the country.
npm config set registry https://registry.npmmirror.com

Installing Dependencies

In the root Folder

Note:The package.json file uses the npx only-allow npm script, which will prevent the use of any package manager other than npm

# Install dependencies.
cd auto-dev-vscode && npm install

In the gui-sidebar Folder

# Install dependencies
cd gui-sidebar && cnpm install && buildy

Table of contents